導航:首頁 > 時間出口 > 乘地鐵到學校花費我20分鍾的時間


發布時間:2021-12-01 17:33:11

『壹』 每天乘地鐵上學花費他大約15分鍾的時間 用英語怎麼說

I'm going to spend my summer vacation in Hainan. On Sunday we are going to star mountain camping tomorrow they are going to leave Beijing this evening my dad will take me to see the movie, what are you doing this weekend.

『貳』 陳地鐵花費我二十分鍾到學校用英語怎

It takes me 20 minutes to go to school by subway.

『叄』 乘坐地鐵到學校通常花費我大約20分鍾

It often takes me half an hour on the subway.

『肆』 去學校通常花費我大約20分鍾的時間的英文

It usually(takes)(me)fifteen(minutes)(to)(walk)to school


『伍』 到學校花費了我20分鍾,用英語怎麼說

It takes me twenty minutes to go to school.

『陸』 座地鐵花費了我十五分鍾到學校翻譯

1:It takes me about fifteen minutes to walk to school.
How long does it take you to walk to school.
2:It takes about ten minutes to ride from (my) home to school.
How long does it take to travel form (your) home to school.
3:I' don't know clearly,how can the children in this village cross the river to go to school.
4:There's no bridge on the river, and the speed of the water is too fast for the boat.
5:Go to school by ropeway is too difficult for them.
6:Mr Meng is as a frindly uncle to us.
7:Learn from the students is Mrs Zhou's dream.

『柒』 我坐地鐵去學校花費了40分鍾用英文怎麼說

It took me 40 minutes to go to school by subway.

『捌』 到圖書館花費我20分鍾的時間。 用英語怎麼說

I spent 20 minutes going to the library
It takes me 20 minutes to go to the library
it took me 20 minutes to get to the library

『玖』 從學校到我家坐地鐵大約二十分鍾


20分鍾的話 地鐵大概也就8個站的樣子了

那到家還是蠻早的了 可以幫父母做點家務活了

『拾』 乘地鐵去要花20分鍾的時間的翻譯是:什麼意思

乘地鐵去要花20分鍾的時間的翻譯是:It takes twenty minutes to go by subway



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