導航:首頁 > 北上廣深 > 上海地鐵英文歌


發布時間:2022-01-01 03:34:02

㈠ 上海最近地鐵裡面放的英文歌叫什麼名字


㈡ 求最近上海地鐵和公交經常放的一首英文歌,男聲,很歡快

what does my girl say

㈢ 上海地鐵每次動物時放的是什麼英文歌


㈣ 上海地鐵移動電視中有一首慢歌英文歌曲,女生唱的~名字到底是什麼


㈤ 上海地鐵2號線 介紹上海風景 加快版 時放的一首英文歌,很歡快,男生唱的,求歌名


㈥ 在上海地鐵七號線站台聽到一首超好聽的女聲英文歌曲,求歌曲名


㈦ 今天上海地鐵里放的英文歌是什麼歌名

Cool - Alesso,Roy English

I saw stars on the pavement

California dreams

Looked up through the bright lights

No stars that I see

You said
It's all yours if you take it there
I said, I can't do it alone, I swear
You said, it's all yours
It's all yours when you smile
It's only you
Who loves me like you do
Trying to keep it cool

But I can't keep cool about it
Acting like a fool
Wanna scream it from the roof
I'm trying to keep it cool

But I can't keep cool about it about it

Before you, love, I was lost

Drifting at sea

You were the beacon I'd followed home

You were the one who rescued me
You said
It's all yours if you take it there
I said, I can't do it alone, I swear
You said
It's all yours
It's all yours when you smile
It's only you
Loves me like you do
Trying to keep it cool

But I can't keep cool about it
Acting like a fool
Wanna scream it from the roof
I'm trying to keep it cool

But I can't keep cool about it about it

You said, oh, whoa

I won't lose you, no, whoa
It's only you
Loves me like you do
Trying to keep it cool

But I can't keep cool about it
Acting like a fool
Wanna scream it from the roof
I'm trying to keep it cool

But I can't keep cool about it about it

㈧ 求上海地鐵二號線上今早播放的一首英文歌曲

Stupid - Tone Damli

I guess you're my creep tonight
The way you knock me off my feet

Now I can't tell my left from right
You only see me when I'm weak
I can't believe the things I hear me say
And I don't even recognize myself

Why can't I get out of my own way
It don't make any sense but what the hell
It's so confusing, what am I doing?
I'm not really like this, think I'm gonna lose it
Not making excuses, but baby the truth is
You make me stupid, stupid, stupid

Your love makes a mess of me
But what a perfect mess we are

Some day you'll feed the rest of me

Not just my crazy heart
I can't believe the things I hear me say
And I don't even recognize myself
I just can't get out of my own way
It don't make any sense, but what the hell
It's so confusing, what am I doing?
I'm not really like this, think I'm gonna lose it
Not making excuses, but baby the truth is
You make me stupid, stupid, stupid

If I haven't scared you off by now
With all the foolish things I do
Mabye you are feeling stupid too

It's so confusing

It's so confusing, what am I doing?
I'm not really like this, think I'm gonna lose it
Not making excuses, but baby the truth is
You make me stupid, stupid, stupid
It's so confusing, what am I doing?
I'm not really like this, think I'm gonna lose it
Not making excuses, but baby the truth is
You make me stupid, stupid, stupid

㈨ 上海地鐵上聽到的一首英文歌,求曲名!


㈩ 上海地鐵電視一首英文歌

是這首,Cross every river,Maria Arredondo唱的



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