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發布時間:2021-04-03 07:47:44

Ⅰ 上海坐地鐵用什麼app,怎麼用



Ⅱ 上海地鐵頭等艙節目上播放的電影 尼古拉斯凱奇主演的

預難大逃亡 Knowing
導演 亞歷克斯.普羅亞斯
主演 尼古拉斯.凱奇羅斯.伯恩錢德勒·坎特布瑞
類型 動作 劇情 驚悚 地區美國
很快時間流逝到50年後的現在:一批新時代的學生從地下挖出並開啟時間膠囊,來查看裡面的內容。之前那位女學生留下的神秘數字信息被其中一位小男孩Caleb Myles拿到。而碰巧的是,Caleb的父親、教授Ted Myles(尼古拉斯·凱奇飾演)揭秘了一個驚人的發現,即這些編碼信息竟然毫釐不差地預言了過去50年裡每個重大災難所發生的日期、死亡人數和其它匹配數字。正當Ted更進一步地揭開了這個莫名檔案的神秘面紗之時,他發現這之中還預示了未來的三件重大要事,最後一件暗示了一場全球規模的大毀滅……
這部引人矚目的超自然驚悚片刻畫出這個男人在面臨周圍的混亂,對於宇宙最終秩序的信仰抱有懷疑。在已故的神秘預言作家的女兒Diana Whelan(羅絲·拜恩飾演)和孫女Abby的幫助之下,Ted不顧一切地與時間展開驚魂落魄的亡命賽跑,直至最後留給他的是最終的災難和最終的犧牲。

Ⅲ 上海地鐵里播放的動畫是什麼名字!


Ⅳ 求上海地鐵所有的語音報站,越全越好,重謝


1、起步:歡迎您乘坐軌道交通X號線,本次列車終點站XXXX,The terminal station,XXXX,請為需要幫助的乘客讓個坐,下一站XXXX,(可換乘X號線,請注意換乘列車的首末班車時間以免耽誤您的出行/換乘X號線的乘客請注意換乘列車的首末班車時間以免耽誤您的出行)下車的乘客請提前做好准備從左/邊車門下車,Next stop is XXXX。(You can interchange/transfer to metro Line X。)Please get ready to exit from the left/right side。

到站:XXXX到了,請從左/右邊車門下車,開門請當心,注意腳下安全。We are now at XXXX。Please get ready to exit from the left/right side。

2、起步:歡迎您乘坐X號線,本次列車終點站XXXX,The terminal station,XXXX,下一站XXXX,開左邊門/右邊門,(可換乘X號線,請注意換成列車的首末班車時間)請把愛心專座讓給有需要的乘客,Next stop,XXXX。Doors will open on the left/right。(You can transfer to Line X)

到站:XXXX到了。開左/右邊門,下車請注意安全。We are now at XXXX。Doors will open on the left/right。


Ⅳ 上海地鐵里移動電視播放的旖旎風光音樂欣賞女聲英文歌是什麼

我也是找了好久才找齊抄全,不知道你說的具體是哪一首,但是我可以把所有【旖旎風光 音樂欣賞】系列的音樂發給你,歌單如下:

A Little Love —— 馮曦妤 (OPPO的廣告音樂就是她唱的)
30 Minutes —— T.A.T.U (有女聲輕笑,歌聲極其清麗脫俗)
Could This Be Love —— Victoria Acosta (非常和煦溫暖的歌曲,節奏輕快)
Serenade —— Jim Brickman (純音樂)
I Have Always Loved You —— Enrique Lglesias (男聲,最想要的就是這首歌,但很難找,也是剛找到)

Ⅵ 上海地鐵播音內容

本次列車終點站富錦路,下一站黃陂南路,開左邊門。列車運行請叫我本次列車終點站富錦路,下一站黃陂南路,開左邊門。列車運行請站穩扶好,不要看手機注意腳下安全, next station sauce home he Road towards Wilbert on the left

Ⅶ 求一上海地鐵電視在介紹的一部電影名稱

街舞少年 甜心辣舞Honey 霹靂舞 熱力四射 街舞新曲



Ⅷ 上海地鐵英語播音內容

Next stop is Shanghai South Railway Station , you can transfer the metro Line4andLine10 , please get ready to Exit, from the left side.
We are now at Shanghai South Railway Station.
Next stop is Shanghai Zoo , please get ready to Exit, from the left side.
We are now at Shanghai Zoo.

Ⅸ 求上海地鐵二號線上今早播放的一首英文歌曲

Stupid - Tone Damli

I guess you're my creep tonight
The way you knock me off my feet

Now I can't tell my left from right
You only see me when I'm weak
I can't believe the things I hear me say
And I don't even recognize myself

Why can't I get out of my own way
It don't make any sense but what the hell
It's so confusing, what am I doing?
I'm not really like this, think I'm gonna lose it
Not making excuses, but baby the truth is
You make me stupid, stupid, stupid

Your love makes a mess of me
But what a perfect mess we are

Some day you'll feed the rest of me

Not just my crazy heart
I can't believe the things I hear me say
And I don't even recognize myself
I just can't get out of my own way
It don't make any sense, but what the hell
It's so confusing, what am I doing?
I'm not really like this, think I'm gonna lose it
Not making excuses, but baby the truth is
You make me stupid, stupid, stupid

If I haven't scared you off by now
With all the foolish things I do
Mabye you are feeling stupid too

It's so confusing

It's so confusing, what am I doing?
I'm not really like this, think I'm gonna lose it
Not making excuses, but baby the truth is
You make me stupid, stupid, stupid
It's so confusing, what am I doing?
I'm not really like this, think I'm gonna lose it
Not making excuses, but baby the truth is
You make me stupid, stupid, stupid

Ⅹ 最近上海地鐵電視裡面播放的一首英文歌曲女的唱的是什麼歌

Take A Bow - Rihanna

Ohh how about a round of applause

Yeah standing ovation

Ooh ohh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

You look so mb right now

Standing' outside my house

Tryin' to apologize
You're so ugly when you cry
Please just cut it out

Don't tell me you're sorry 'cause you're not

Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught

But you put on quite a show oh
You really had me goin'
But now it's time to go oh
Curtain's finally closin'
That was quite a show oh
Very entertainin'

But it's over now but it's over now
Go on and take a bow ohh ohh

Grab your clothes and get gone get gone
You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on come on
Talking 'bout girl I love you you're the one
This just looks like the re-run
Please what else is on

And don't tell me you're sorry 'cause you're not mmm
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught mmm
But you put on quite a show oh
You really had me goin'
But now it's time to go oh
Curtain's finally closin'
That was quite a show oh
Very entertainin'

But it's over now but it's over now
Go on and take a bow ohh
And the award for the best liar goes to you goes to you
For makin' me believe that you could be paithful to me
Let's hear your speech out

How about a round of applause

A standing' ovation

But you put on quite a show oh
You really had me goin'

But now it's time to go oh
Curtain's finally closin'
That was quite a show oh
Very entertainin'

But it's over now but it's over now
Go on and take a bow

But it's over now



廣佛地鐵出口地圖 瀏覽:273
武漢地鐵報站英文 瀏覽:92
白石高鐵站 瀏覽:294
北京地鐵安全隱患 瀏覽:382
南京東善橋地鐵 瀏覽:905
深圳地鐵列車有多長 瀏覽:556
金洲地鐵站到廣州火車站地鐵要多久 瀏覽:783
南京地鐵機場線單程時間 瀏覽:161
乘地鐵去佛山東建世界廣場 瀏覽:498
惠州仲愷深業喜悅城地鐵規劃 瀏覽:378
天府廣場到韋家碾地鐵價格 瀏覽:112
萬菱匯地鐵出口 瀏覽:402
長水機場到大觀樓地鐵 瀏覽:704
廣州t2機場那個地鐵站 瀏覽:909
s7地鐵南京運行時間 瀏覽:943
高鐵為什麼夜間不開行 瀏覽:500
西安門地鐵站怎麼去南京眼 瀏覽:480
廣州火車站去廣州機場地鐵 瀏覽:694
成都地鐵站項目總監招聘 瀏覽:691
佛山地鐵廣州火車站 瀏覽:965